
I hope you enjoy your time here and have a lovely day...

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Hannah Elizabeth...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Busy Sunday....

Dear friends,

Today has been a very busy day! We have had some friends over for lunch and as always when you live in a big family there is a lot of cleaning and cooking to do. :)

Here are some pictures that I took today. (If you are planning on getting involved in the week long picture challenge this could be something what it looks like.)

Anyway most of us were working.
It depends on who you are talking about.

The work was calling me into the kitchen so I headed there to wash potatoes for a roast we were making for lunch.


In addition to the roast we also had some corn, chicken and (my personal favorite) brownies.
(I'm sorry am I making you hungry?:)

While I was doing this my very strong brother Gabe was....

....making interesting poses for me and....

....cutting up chicken(Daniel thinks it is gross.)

My younger siblings were also at this time mopping an helping to clean up the house.

After we were all done with this we were ready for our guests to come over! :)

Washing up for the meal...

Does it make you tired just looking at this photo?
They were.. um.. a bit wild... :)

After lunch I headed down stairs for some peaceful music.... Aha..

I hope you have had a wonderful Sunday. Can't wait to see what you do for this challenge! Remember it starts tomorrow.


Hannah Elise...

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