
I hope you enjoy your time here and have a lovely day...

Please comment I love to hear from my readers!!

Hannah Elizabeth...

Monday, April 5, 2010

Day two- feelin' feminine - Monday.

Dear friends,

First of all I want to thank you for being so thoughtful to comment on my blog. It really means a lot to me. I'm looking forward to getting to know you ladies better. I hope that you enjoy your time here.

Anyway here is the next day of the challenge...

This picture was taken in the front yard of our

Hey look what I found in mom's
garden!!! A great big stone frog. :)

What a wonderful warm day we are having this

Hope you are having a wonderful day.

Btw- If you are interested you can still get involved in this challenge.
Just go to feminine farm girl and read the rules. After that you can link up with her
each day of the week.

~If you would like to look at the pictures of other people's outfits you can also find it in on

my dear friend Jenna's blog.

I hope you will. It is so wonderful to dress the way that God planned for women to dress.
( Modestly and femininely. )

Think and pray about it.

Have a wonderful day my friends,

Hannah Elise....


Sonja Langford said...

Hannah, what a lovely feminine dress! It's so becoming on you!

How did you do your hair? It's so pretty!



Kirsten Erin said...

Again, I love the dress and it's old-fashioned beauty. It reminds me of something that would be worn in Pride and Prejudice or Emma. :)

Little Ladybug said...

Dear Addie,

Thank you so much for your comment.
I love your dress as well.

As to the hair it was a bit tricky...

~ Part your hair down the middle.

~ Part your hair down near the ears so that you have two sections of hair on each side of your face and one large one in the back. (The one in the back you can put in a hair band to keep out of the way.)

* At this point you can put a ribbon between the two sections of your hair. ( The front and the back.)

~ Braid the two sections of hair that are near your face. Pull these back and make them into a bun near the back of your head. Secure with a few hair pins.

~ Braid the back portion of your hair and twist it around the last bun. Secure with a few pins and hairspray.

That's about all there is to it.
A bit tricky at first. The tick is experimenting with it....

Hope you have a wonderful day...

Hannah Elise...

Little Ladybug said...

Dear Kirsten Erin,

Thank you so much. I do happen to love those movies.

What are your favorite kind of movies?

Have a wonderful day Kirsten.

Hannah Elise...


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