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Hannah Elizabeth...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

On the things above.


When I was doing my Bible study I came across this verse...

Col 3:2- Set your mind on things above, not on things that are on the earth.

Wow, when I stop to think of that it is obvious that not all the things I do have eternal significance (what a sobering thought).

It is so easy to lose focus and forget all the things that God has called us to do on earth for Him.

Maybe You are good at working with kids, You could help by watching kids during Church (or even just by babysitting). Also if you have elderly neighbors you can help by weeding their garden or moving their lawn.
But as always it is good when you stop to think, will this glorify God and point to Him in the end?

There is good news , Jesus will always be there to help you.

Call on him.

Love and prayers ,

Hannah Blow.

This is not me, it is my little sister Abbie. ( She will be 13 in October!!!) ( just think another teenager in the house. We already have four, we would
have five but my oldest sister Micah is twenty.)

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