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Hannah Elizabeth...

Monday, April 27, 2009

Animals in distress!!


You will not believe what we found this morning!

My brother Jacob was out working on milking the goats and he came in and had a little surprise for us. He had found a flying squirrel (which we thought at the time was a baby squirrel) . When we found it the poor creature was not much more then a mess of fur and mud. Apparently the squirrel has hit a tree in the night during the storm.

One of the funny things about this squirrel is that we thought it was a baby but is was a adult. Just think we had been making it drink milk and even dried it with a hair dryer! ( That squirrel must of had a weird day).

You know this reminds me of what Jesus did for us. He took us into his family when we were no more then a drowned rat and loved us.What a wonderful savor we have.

Oh, and by the way I did not hold it if you were wondering!!( but I did hold my little sister's squirrel that she rescued) Yes we have a reputation for saving squirrels and birds.( I have helped out several birds who hit our window!)

Love and prayers,

Hannah Blow

This is me washing
dishes in our kitchen.

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