
I hope you enjoy your time here and have a lovely day...

Please comment I love to hear from my readers!!

Hannah Elizabeth...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Today is so wonderfully beautiful

Dear friends,

I am sitting upstairs at my clean desk(my desk is not normally that free of books and other clutter :) A few days ago when I started to find my interest in art work I decided that I was not getting enough light in the little corner of my attic. That was a problem so I moved my desk to the window at the fount of my room. I get a lot more light a today even a nice breeze.

Aha.. don't you just love early Autumn?

I was enjoying the breeze when I got the sudden urge to post just to tell you how much I am enjoying life! Thus this post came about.

So what  is your favorite Season? In honor of the change of seasons I have set up a poll on the side of my blog.

Please go and vote on your favorite season.

I hope you are all having a fantastic day!

 Your writing friend,

Hannah Elise...


Anonymous said...

Early fall is so wonderful. It is cool and the air (to me at least) smells cleaner! It's now time to harvest our apple trees, it is so fun to just run out side and pick an apple and eat it!!:) How is your family? Are you making any crafts yet or baking a lot?

I hope you have a blessed day!!!

Claire Ramsey

Little Ladybug said...

Dear Claire,

Thank you so much for your comment. It is wonderful to hear from you!

I love Fall right now! It is so wonderful. It sounds like you might like to do some fall cleaning. :)

I didn't know that your family had apple trees. We have some on our land too.

My family is doing wonderful!

I have not been doing any crafts lately but I have been cooking some for my family.

You were working on ideas for your story. How has that been going?

Hope you have a wonderful day..

Hannah Elise(or Elizabeth)

BTW- I am looking forward to seeing you next Sunday at your house.

We originally thought that it was this past Sunday. :) OPPS

Anonymous said...

Dear Hannah,

My story is still a little ruff. I thought it would be about a young girl in medieval times in a diary format. We can't wait to see you Sunday!! I am just bubbling with anticipation!!!!

Claire Ramsey

Little Ladybug said...

Dear Claire,

I love your story idea! It is set during one of my favorite time periods. I also enjoy the 19th century. (That is the time period of my story)

I can't wait to see you too,

Your scribbling friend,

Hannah Elizabeth.


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