
I hope you enjoy your time here and have a lovely day...

Please comment I love to hear from my readers!!

Hannah Elizabeth...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

A magical trip... Part two...

Dear friends,

I hope you are having a good weekend so far. :)

Anyway here are some of the pictures that I promised you from my trip to London and France...

I hope you enjoy them and they give you a little taste of what life is like in Europe.

The first day of our trip(when we were doing all the traveling to get there) was the longest day of my life. I believe that was because I was suffering from jet lag. :( We were actually on two planes over the course of the day.

Look at those *Wonderful* white fluffy clouds... *Sigh* :)

This airplane was hanging from the roof of the Charlotte airport! It was pretty big and I decided that I needed to take a picture of it to show to my brothers.
This airport was HUGE. I don't think that I have ever seen a bigger one in my life. If you need an idea of how big it was just let me tell you that there were moving sidewalks and cars you could take through the airport. :)

I sneaked this picture when we were waiting
our airplane ride out to London.
Our lay over was around
eight hours!!!!

They are so *adorable* aren't they?

~~By the time we got to London we were all very tired so we did not do much more that day. Although we did go to see Phantom of the Opera.~~

I have never seen a play that was as well done!
So sorry that I don't have any pictures to show you.

Anyway I do have some pictures of the little house that we stayed in ....

This is a lovely door that was outside the front of
our house.

Hey! if you want to see pictures of more
wonderful door you can go to my Momma's blog. She did a whole post on doors and windows. :)

This was in the hall going back to the bedrooms.

This was me and Momma's room.

Sorry that this picture is so blurry but I had to get one of this *cute* little puppy dog doorstop.

These were in the kitchen...

Well I hope you enjoyed this little post!

More pictures coming soon...

Hope you have a lovely day...

Hannah Elise...


Anonymous said...

Hi Hannah! Looks like you had a great time! I have been having a great weekend so far. I went to one of my swim meets. I was fun. What have you been doing?

I hope you have a great weekend!!

Claire Ramsey

Little Ladybug said...

Dear Claire,

Yes, I did have a wonderful time!

It is so cool that you are able to have swim meets. I hope that it went well for you. :)

Hope you are having a wonderful sunny day...(It certainly wasn't sunny this morning. :)


Hannah Elise...


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