
I hope you enjoy your time here and have a lovely day...

Please comment I love to hear from my readers!!

Hannah Elizabeth...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Througout the day pictures- day four- Thrusday....

Dear friends,

Wow! It is very nice and warm here. It is almost to warm up in my attic room. :P

Well today is day four of the throughout the day picture challenge. It has gone very fast for me. I am surely enjoying the opportunity to take so many pictures. It is so much fun!!

Anyway here is day four....

~* Morning*~

~Front room of the house...~

Making paper airplanes....

I can't believe that I was able to get this picture as
Tim was throwing his plane.

New piano music! YA!

My creative brother Josh made this ice cube
using a water bottle... :o

Jon and Joe....

~Out and about...~

Leaving to meet my Nana at her house....
She was so generous to take me and Mom out
to get clothes for graduation/trip to Europe.

I am so blessed. :)



Nice try but you can't hide from me boys. :P

I think poor Jon is tired. :P

Hope you are having a wonderful day....

I'd still love for you to get involved if you are interested. It is so much fun!


Hannah Elise..

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