
I hope you enjoy your time here and have a lovely day...

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Hannah Elizabeth...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Candy flowers.....

Dear friends,
Today I have been in a Spring mood.

I thought you might be in the same mood and if that is the case here is a tutorial you might enjoy. The
se candy flowers are so CUTE. You can use them to decorate just about anything cupcakes, cakes or even just for a snack.

Here is my finished project.

Well have a wonderful Spring day....


Hannah Elise....


Anonymous said...

So Cute Hannah!

I have done icing flowers before but not candy flowers like those!!

I hope you have a good day!

Claire R.

Little Ladybug said...

Dear Claire,

Icing flowers are almost as fun to make as these! I enjoy using real flowers though. :)

Have you been doing any cake decorating lately?

I will warn you if you ever do this tutorial that I linked to, I have found that they to tend to stick to the paper you leave them on.

At any rate they are cute!


Hannah Elise...

Anonymous said...

Hi Hannah!

I haven't do any cake decorating lately but i probably should!

Claire R.

Little Ladybug said...

Dear Claire,

Yes, that would be fun wouldn't it?

I would love to see pictures of the cake decorating that you do!


Hannah Elise..


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