
I hope you enjoy your time here and have a lovely day...

Please comment I love to hear from my readers!!

Hannah Elizabeth...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

'Encouragement Press.'

Hello friends,

I have some very exciting news, I am going to start publishing a newsletter every month!

It's is going to be so fun!!!

Here is the thing, the first issue of 'Encouragement Press' will be sent out November 2009. Every mouth (unless noted otherwise), I will be sending out a copy to everyone that has signed up for the news letter.

This newsletter will be published by mail. (It is so much fun to get things in the mail!)

The first issue will include.....

~ funny jokes ( I will be very careful that these are appropriate for reading.)( You would not believe how many inappropriate jokes there are out there!)
~ Stories about famous Christian people from history.
~ funny quotes from my family
~ a short Bible study
~ and a look at all the ways that the Lord has blessed me.

Anyway the reason that I am doing this is to encourage others in the Lord and also just to have fun!

If you are interested in signing up for this news letter here is how.....

~ email me at hannah.e.blow@gmail.com and give me.....

~ your your address and first and last name.

~ your email (this is enables me to get a hold of you if I need to.) (If you do not have a email please give me your phone number.)

~ your age and birthday. (this is not required.I wanted this info so that I could know more about you and announce your birthday in the newsletter.) (If you would rather me not do that please let me know.)

The deadline for signing up for this newsletter is the end of October.

This is a free newsletter. Why should encouragement be costly?
Anyway I hope that you have a wonderful day.....
Love and prayers,

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