
I hope you enjoy your time here and have a lovely day...

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Hannah Elizabeth...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Good times with my family.....

Hello friends,
Well we are back at the grind of homework again.
We had a very fun time at the ocean,but it is good to be home again doing our homework......
Anyway here are some pictures of our trip........
This is me and my little brother Timmy. Isn't that a great band-aid on his chin? Humm .....I think that he had to go to the ER to get stitches a few days before we left.(Good times.....:) sigh... By the way I am jokeing.)
This is my brother John. Isn't that a great face? :)

AWW .... he is such a doll....

This is my brother Josh.( Say, can you tell me all the names of my siblings?)

And here is my Brother Josiah.

Anyway there is a lot more to this trip.....
More to follow...
Love and Prayers,
Hannah Blow


Anonymous said...

Hi Hannah,
It looks like you had a wonderful vacation!! I know what you mean about the school work! How it feels good to have a routine! But it feels so weird that school would feel good!!! I certainly could not remember all your siblings names!!

Claire R.

Little Ladybug said...

Dear Claire,

Yes we did have a wonderful vaction.
School is fun when you are in your last year and beginning to deciede what you want to do.(But you need to be careful that you do the importaint things!:)

Say have you been reading any good books lately?

Hope you have a wonderful evening....


amy said...

If I may jump in your comment conversation, I'll add my agreement about school. I enjoy being back on a set schedule with school. Are you on your last year of high school, Hannah?

By the way, I'd enjoy hearing what are some books that you like.


Little Ladybug said...

Hello Amy,
Thank you for your comment.

I am in my last year of school,12th grade!

What year are you in ?

I, unfortainitly do not have any really good books to recomend at this time.

Anyway hope you have a good day,


amy said...

I'm in 11th grade right now. So after this year I only have one left.

Do you mind that I added a link to your blog onto this list on the side of my site? If you would prefer me not to, I'll take it off. Just let me know.


Little Ladybug said...

Hello Amy,

That is so cool that you are in 11th grade!
What is your favorite subject?

No, I do not mind that you want ot link to my blog.
Thank you for asking!

Hope you have a wonderful day....


amy said...

Hi Hannah,

I'm not quite sure what my favorite subject is. I do really enjoy music and art, and now that I'm doing geometry, I'm starting to like math. The one subject that I don't enjoy too much is chemistry. What is your favorite subject.

By the way, it's been fun to sort of get to know you through our blogs. Hope you have a great day, as well!


Little Ladybug said...

Hello Amy,

To answer your question,I think that my favorite subject is the human body study that I am going through this year.

Hope you have a wonderful day....



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