
I hope you enjoy your time here and have a lovely day...

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Hannah Elizabeth...

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Hello there,

For some reason I have been very interested in learning about famous composers.

Today I researched Beethoven. Here are some interesting facts about him.....

~ His first music teacher was his father.

~ It was falsely claimed that he preformed his first concert at the age of six.

~ He first preformed his first concert at the age of seven!!!!

~ It appears that Beethoven was not always playing piano. He played the Viola to raise money for his family. He also played the violin.

~ around 1796 he began to lose his hearing. (Not good if you are a composer!) ~ He continued to compose even when he was going deaf.

~ I do not think that he was a Christan sadly enough.

Beethoven had a very sad life. This goes to show you what life without God is like.
It has no eternal purpose whatsoever and is void of real meaning.

This is a good example for us. We need Jesus and life has no meaning without him....

Here are some pictures of Beethoven..... Here is a picture of Beethoven at age 13!
I hope you have a wonderful day....

Love and prayers,

Hannah Blow

Beethoven can write music, thank God,
but he can do nothing else on earth.

Ludwig van Beethoven

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